INTERVIEWER: Some people might say that when you prepare your documentation that actually writing about it can bring a degree of clarity to your vision, others might say well actually, because what we...
at this time im please to invite the president the deepest congratulations. Welcome to southern California and I say that because we have almost two thousand visitors from all around the country and...
Some of you have been putting on a spiritual show. You have. I believe that God recognizes that you're hiding and He's coming very lovingly today to say, Where are you? Where are you?...
WHY JOINING US? Société Générale has a strong identity. As shown by the colours of its logo, red and black. The brand's DNA is based on three qualities which embody Société Générale. First...
I don't know how many of you in the room actually consider yourself art aficionados but I am not of your number um I like art but I'm certainly not an expert in it but anyone who has...
In today’s episode of The Big Vision Show, we’re going to talk about how to decrease refunds or get people to stick in your programs. Hi there, my name’s Max Simon and welcome to The Big Vision Show....



OK, so today we're going to continue our discussion of protection. Remember, we have our three protection primitives that we've been talking about, authentication, authorization and...
[Music] As a Flipped Classroom teacher, I've seen lots of misconceptions around what the Flipped Classroom is and what the Flipped Classroom is not. So, rather than discussing what the Flipped...
Hey man, what were you watching earlier? It sounded intense. Oh, it was a documentary on gangs in the United States. We have that gangster/ chola party on Friday to go to and I was doing research to...
Hi! This is MIchelle! Today is Day 7 of my 10 Day Video Challenge that I'm doing so Yay! Coz I have not missed a day, Whoohoo!! haha. So Today's question for is, should you make...