I can do anything, anything I want to Anything I want to, anything I want to I can do anything, anything I want to When I see Grandma and Grandpa The world is my oyster, I am the king I love it when...
Two heads are better than one they say And just when we thought we were done We knew a good thing when we saw one so We had another one. Trouble is double when you've got two But toruble has yet to...
Mike hit the window with the sledge; We all heard it break. Dave took a crowbar to the porch; Made every rafter shake. Dan tore down the kitchen wall, Made a big hole in the floor. I said, "Is...
As I get older I'm beginning to see Changes that are happening to me I'm liking things I never used to like Like yogurt, squash and riding my bike I like to sit with girls; I like to ride the bus But...
Ever since this morning When you got out of bed You've waited for me to be done And listened when I said I just need five more minutes I won't be very long I know I said that earlier But I guess that...
I wouldn't wanna be a movie star and get mobbed wherever I go I don't need to be on TV or hear my songs on the radio People always tell me one day I'll be a star But every star burns out one day even...
What if a zebra had spots? Do you think he would like that a lot? And what if a tiger had dots What if a leopard did not? What if we could sleep like a bat And dine like an overweight cat? Instead of...
I used to know a caterpillar Who would always try To eat a lot so she would grow Into a butterfly She didn't like to crawl around Inching slowly so She yearned to be a butterfly And hoped one day to...
I looked into the mirror; what did the mirror say "You're the ugliest kid I've seen, will you please go away" My feelings had been hurt; I was really crushed I combed my hair, washed my...
And then there's the crab, Who complains bitterly About how things aren't how She wants them to be. She moves very slowly, Inch upon inch; With her claws she will paw you And give you a pinch. She's...