Katherine: Hi. I’m Katherine Wright with YTK Photography and I’m here again InkAID to show you some additional products and talk a little bit more about what you might want to use how to actually...
This session is an overview of the Department of Public Instruction performance evaluation system. A revised performance evaluation system became effective in August 2013. The revised system provides...
How to resize an image using Lightroom In Lightroom you don't really resize an image, you export a copy of your original at a particular size leaving your original untouched. Right now...
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ISO is another way that you can control the overall exposure of your image. And like F-stop or aperture and like shutter speed, it's just a series of numbers. Traditionally ISO, or as it used...
Today we're reviewing part number 86088. This is an LED light it license plate frame. Now as you can see there's no bulb so where do you get the light for the license plate...



Another really popular form of photography is macro photography, which is essentially close up photography. It's kind of a confusing term because it's really in theory very similar to...
Embedded in every photograph you take with a digital camera is something called EXIF data. What EXIF data physically is a record of all the settings that your camera had when you made that image,...
Today, we'll be reviewing part number 316631. This is the Buick LaCrosse license plate with chrome logo and lettering, stainless steel with a nice black finish. The Buick LaCrosse front...