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♪♪ [foxtrot music] ♪♪ [applause] clap, clap, clap. (Mr. D) A woman with black hair and big eyes, wearing a low-cut top, looks outside through a thatch hut window. The hut is next to the water. A...
The default mode of the camera is to take still photos but make sure the selector mode here is set to photo. You can also tell you're shooting still photos when the shutter button here is a...



In this chapter, my purpose is to get you acquainted, for those of you that are unfamiliar, with the world of 3D. I want to help you understand the basic workflow in 3D. I want to acquaint you with...



This is the simplest possible HTML document. This is all that's required in a document in HTML. You have a title and you have a paragraph. That's all that's really required....



When we're dealing with menus, sometimes, in this day and age, especially, just having a static image in the background may not be what you want all the time. If you're just making a...



Hi. Let's talk about Pottermore and specifically let's talk about the Sorting Hat dilemma. Okay, so in the books and consequently the films there is a character of some sort called the...
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Lynda Weinman: Beyond providing an association for designers, AIGA plays an important role in stimulating excellence in the field of design. I went to the School of Visual Arts to meet with Steven...