Hola, este tartar es una forma de preparar atún sin utilizar fuego simplemente el atún se "cocinará"en el jugo de limón el atún lo cortaremos en cubos pequeños picaremos una cebolla...



My hand is red Covered in some blood Now some of that blood is on my sandwich The once white bread Now is stained red How am I supposed to eat it now? You can't eat white bread sandwiches with...
This is how Lori eats her sandwich or whatever this is Ow yes. This is how she tryes to get her sandwich out Fuck, my hand hurts. Eating eating , nom nom nom nom.... BUN FIGHT !! hAPPY EASTER , LOL...
"Sexy Music Plays in Background" Hello, My Name Matthew Jibekowski "Sexy Music gets Sexier" I come from another country, not where you live. I smoke while I swim, I...
Hi, guys! Here I am again. Today we are going to cook a panini. One of those delicious italian paninis. It is a dish easy to make... ...because we all have a piece of bread. We need a piece of...



(Rumbling, shield slam) (Swords sheathing, explosion, rumbling) (Silence) -I farted. (Dramatic intro music begins) -(Intro music ends) On the topic of farting, let's make sandwiches! -OK!...
a la niña como están entre que cae muy bien si yo tengo dos semi nunca se hicieron y nadie se lo pida perdón pero tenneco primera entidad vecinal y más tardes el tiempo alcanza ya veces niño y eso me...
Hi, I'm Stephen Monet, Manager of Environmental Planning Initiatives with the City of Greater Sudbury, and this is EarthCare Minute. Technology has done a lot to make our lives easier. But as...
Hey what's up everybody? Danny from Danny Mac's Kitchen good to see you Let me ask you guys a quick question How many of you have been to a really great, upscale steakhouse? Like Smith...