ERROL MORRIS: July 27, 2001. A memo to Condoleezza Rice concerning Iraq. "We have discussed Iraq on a number of occasions. The discussions have been inconclusive. Sanctions are being limited...
[MUSIC PLAYING] We have one week to go. The opening is in a week from today. We're behind schedule a lot because the weather has been really bad. We're about 80% done. You can see...
[MUSIC] CAROLINE O'DONNELL: So every year, PS1 MOMA does this competition in the courtyard of PS1. So I've known about the competition for years, since I came to the States. And...
remember that movie called The Matrix one of the most memorable scenes as when neo me character wakes up to truth by choosing the mail he realizes the world around him as a fantasy and intricate...
Ok. Now let's get a good look at you. Hold it. Run that back. Wait a minute. Go right. There. Freeze that. Fullscreen. Ok, freeze that. Tighten up on that will you. Vector in on that guy by...
Apogee South Beach Video by Josh Stein Realtor. Please visit our Miami Real Estate website at for more information about Apogee South Beach and...
From the outset, I knew that technology was really going to be able to give us the ability to work in ways that hadn't previously been possible. My name is Jordan Parness, and I'm an...
SHAWN WORST: Things are always different every single day, and new products are always coming out. Let's face it, I get to play with cool toys all day long, and I love what I do. Well, my name...