Walking behind you on the way back home Away from the setting sun the usual big steps that you took Matched your tall figure We would reach the corner where we bade goodbyes When we finished walking...



We are here first (Filming this?) Doing a briefing hehe A briefing of the jump This here is the Chinese Camera number two (You have to jump and falls back to front, If you jump in front of you will...



Beneficios del Te Verde Una vez más bienvenidos a nuestro canal de hierbas medicinales El Te verde es una planta originaria de Asia, sin embargo en la actualidad se cultiva en casi todo el mundo. Se...



Guru in 60 seconds Vicente Falconi Management Consultant Do you want a shift in your career? The sooner the better Look, I have a house here in Belo Horizonte with a very big garden. And I learned...
Había una vez un rey que ofreció un gran premio a aquel artista que pudiera en una pintura dibujar "La Paz Perfecta". Muchos artistas lo intentaron y presentaron sus obras en el...



We see a very sad thing in this week’s Parsha, Vayeira. A boy, Ishmael, is placed under a shrub, perhaps to die, because his mother and he had run out of water as they wandered the desert. His...
[APPLAUSE] BILL CLINTON: Thank you very much, President and Mrs. Bush, and President and Mrs. Obama, President and Mrs. Carter, all the representatives here of the other previous presidents the Ford,...
And don't you dare make fun of Andrea De Castro Font. You don't know what she's been through. You...you don't know what it's like to live on your own being 20...
¡Hola! ¡Hola! Bueno... Hoy me gustaría sobre "shippear" Si no sabes lo que es eso, entonces corre Corre Y nunca te involucres en esto Bien, está bien. Si has estado viviendo bajo...