"I see nothing but you.. And your place is in my heart." "That's up to you.. Whether you believe it or not" "Whether you believe it or...
Foggy am in tilcara by TravelPod member danbdan Foggy am in tilcara by TravelPod member danbdan Foggy am in tilcara by TravelPod member danbdan Foggy am in tilcara by TravelPod member danbdan Mate...



''You and I, besotted. . '' ''. .are lost in each other's eyes. '' ''As matters went on, we created a fairytale....
Hi everybody! Today I am going to show you how to make Dashi dried shaved bonito sea weed kombu water clean the kombu with a wet cloth Place the cold water and the kombu seaweed in a bowl and put it...



Hi guys! So finally it's time to make that video that I talked about when I was in Korea, when I reached the 1000 subscribers You may remember. I said that I'd like to make a little...
Counting the number of your shattered memories, as you recall them, what will you be singing? Once again I am drawing a fairy land, in which you will slowly become lost... I will cast a mystic spell...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf320 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...



Welcome. We are glad to join in welcoming you to the MADSEC/Maine Department of Education Fall Post-Secondary Capacity Building Institute It is exciting to have so many people who support youth in...



Sweets Tales Today's tale is of a mysterious highbrow sweet called "Siberia". The era is Taisho (1912-1926), a period of glamour and romance. Siberia was a popular menu item...
Leaning against the chilly wall without making any sound I’m waiting for that time that tiny delicate voice is always yelling ...something... looking for things that disappeared from there as if...