Alright now one of the first things you may notice that if you go to a pig farm, is the ear clipping. This is our sow and she wasn't born here. She was born at a pig farm. And the ear clipping...
On behalf of Expert Village this is Paul Louis. Today I'm going to teach you how to draw cartoon animals in Microsoft Paint. Right in the middle of the character I want to make the front paws...
Hi there, Let me tell you how you can teach yourself to SEE with your EARS... Sound Confusing? Alright, let me explain.. When you clap, shout, or make other noises, you can tell the difference between...
Hello! My name is Mari Miyazawa Today I will be making animal hamburgers The ingredients are: hamburger buns, hamburger patties, ham, cheese dog, sliced baloney, roast beef slices, sliced cheese,...
Hi everyone. I'm Melissa. Welcome back to CloudMom. This video is about baby talk or parentese, the practice of speaking to your baby in short and simple sentences when you highly enunciate...
On behalf of Expert Village this is Paul Louis. Today I'm going to teach you how to draw cartoon animals in Microsoft Paint. I'm going to stop it right about there I'm not...
Hello and welcome to a product overview with Today, we're going to be talking about a classic dog chew, the cow ear. The cow ear is a great, low fat, long-lasting...
Hi, my name's Teeny. Today I'll show you through this video various techniques on brooming your rabbit safely. Grooming your rabbit is not only a good time to bond with your rabbit but...