Chasing The Bear by TravelPod member tss2010 Lions and Tigers and... by TravelPod member tss2010 Heading to the Snake River Bottom by TravelPod member tss2010 Pretty Mountains by TravelPod member...
Eric Green: Okay. Now the fun begins. By the way, I told you we were going to have some individuals who are both articulate and actually have some opinions, and you can start to get that sense....
Hello, my name’s Emily and I’m an Outreach Officer for the Ensembl project. In this video, I’d like to give you a basic introduction to what Ensembl is And I’d also like to define some basic...
Hello would you like a story a story from the story bag lets see what clues we are going to get we have got a stone a twig and a piece of string now then a stone a twig and a piece of string They were...
the satan go a way from our church,from our lives,from our household Amen? that's why we have to prepare our music before we conduct the worship it is very important for us to know about it to...
Good evening church! Good evening church! shalom ok so...this evening we are talking about praise and worship amin? and... when we are talking about praise and worship it is very important in the...
>>Robert Linquanti: One of the key things then is that, um, when we're looking at students who are English learners developing their English language skills that is going to...
Hi there, I'm Andy Yates and I'm the Ensembl support coordinator. and one of the developers of the Ensembl API. Today I'm going to show you how to install the Ensembl API on...
How did I come up with the idea for JustAnswer? I started JustAnswer, now in 2003 when my wife Sarah was pregnant with my first daughter. I have got three kids now; two daughters and a son. And Sarah...
at this time im please to invite the president the deepest congratulations. Welcome to southern California and I say that because we have almost two thousand visitors from all around the country and...