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sitting there in a crowd and everybody is getting used to it and they go "oh my god, I've shit my pants" they freak out and get past them and the security guy the first...
The carriage house entrance to the manor by TravelPod member jessi_van_50 The manor by TravelPod member jessi_van_50 The president's suite by TravelPod member jessi_van_50 Up the driveway by...
Direct factor 10a inhibitors, a type of anticoagulant or "blood thinner," are a class of drugs that are commonly used to prevent blood clot formation in the body. The most common and...
Julia:...is open the soda. Student: Don't shake it. Julia: Don't shake it. Please don't shake it. Student: Can we drink it when we're done? John: I don't think...



Welcome from AC News, let's see today's trailer and cinema news is coming up! Elle Fanning, breakout star from J.J Abrams Super 8, continues on her line of interesting projects. The...
Welcome from AC News, let's see today's trailer and cinema news is coming up! Elle Fanning, breakout star from J.J Abrams Super 8, continues on her line of interesting projects. The...
Good bye pal I hope you have a good time in Pouncefield says Tails. Good bye buddy I’ll miss you and I’ll see you when I get back from there says Sonic. They both went into each other arms and hugged...
kirkland keeping his attention on the manhattan i suppose you were contemplating something of a chapter in importance must have been from that they can look when you first nice as it happens i was...