>> CARASSO: I want you guys to know I'm pretty honored to be here. We--our story is really a story of an accident in a lot of ways and I think that, you know, we're...
Here I have Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 this is a three percent solution this is the stuff you find down there at the drugstore find this stuff anywhere you use it for a million different reasons you can...
I'm flying a lot - What? - The golden pass that they gave us, I'm using it Every friday night I... fly from LA to Tokyo or Singapore, Sydney then I get off and I have a drink and then...
Hello and welcome to early introduction to Dreamweaver tutorial video series in this series you're going to learn how to use adobe Dreamweaver CS6 to create a professional easy to maintain...
Oh it's a sin to go away Oh it's a sin to go away Oh it's a sin to go away Maybe I'll return I will When I turn my head I saw the lights That disappeared behind the...
Am I loud and clear, or am I breaking up? Am I still your charm, or am I just bad luck? Are we getting closer, or are we just getting more lost? I'll show you mine if you show me yours first...
>> KHLOE: Kendall! >> KIM: Tonight, on Keeping Up With the Kardashians... >> KHLOE: This is gonna be Kanye's music studio? >> SCOTT: You...
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♪ It seems today that all you see ♪ ♪ Is violence in movies and sex on TV ♪ ♪ But where are those good old-fashioned values ♪ ♪ On which we used to rely? ♪ ♪ Lucky there's a family guy ♪ ♪...