Since months UNESCO has been calling upon the concerned parties on the importance to preserve the heritage of the country Syria is signatory to many of the UNESCO conventions, notably the 54...
A long time ago On a star far away A great council assembled In solemn array. The question weighed heavy On everyone's mind— T'was the fate of the Earth, What to do with mankind. The...



Knowledge in stone God's measure and the apokrypha This topic:" God's measure and the apokrypha" is about something that makes us wonder. How can we connect a...
[music] >>Good evening. My name is Jason Wallace. I'm the pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church here in the Salt Lake Valley, and we welcome you to another installment of the...
The city of Herat, the regional capital of western Afghanistan, has long been of strategic, commercial and cultural significance to the wider region. Thought to have been founded by Alexander the...
Sit back, relax and let the Star Fix course through your veins. Just weeks after the announcement of his impending divorce, Ashton Kutcher is making tabloid headlines again. Last night the Two And A...
"Climbing the mountain of truth does not end in vain," said German philosopher Nietzsche. The truth of history is really a grand mystery. With inference, reasoning, deduction and...
Shalom Shalom Rabbi Eliyahu Avichail, head of Amishav. In ancient times the Ten Tribes Vanished from Israel. Many similarities between the Japanese culture and the Israel one. What is the...
Hello, I'm John Johnston. I'm doing my PhD at the Institute of Archaeology. I'm here today in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology at University College London to talk a...
Firefighters have been battling a blaze which has destroyed an ancient Tibetan town in southwest China. The fire engulfed the popular tourist destination of Dukezong in Shangri-la county, spreading...