I started a charity, C the difference - Corey Cares and I raise money for our local food pantry and buy and donate the food. The food pantry tells us what they need each month and I spend a $100 in...
so it's of course March Madness that isn't different meaning and Fox News and they've decided other getting in on the fun here the interweb house wall but I think it takes a...
How to use "BB Roll" "Dual Lock Cigarillo Pipe" is the patent that I have filed Rolling paper, available in half Roll Your Own TOBACCO new techniqe one hand only ,...
I've noticed over the last thirty years that a large number of my clients are blue-collar workers that work in a factory, that work with their hands and get dirty, and I think the reason for...
AUBG LipDub You want to experience real quality American education in combination with genuine European spirit, of multiculturalism and diversity. You are like us and your place is here, at AUBG. Here...
Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shores. Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the...
an aggressive debate so you try to anticipate sometimes where people maybe i'll you're ready for when she brought up the capable ireland to veto you knew your material what you think...
The President: And that's why 50 years later John F. Kennedy stands for prosperity, as he did in life. Young and bold and daring. And he stays with us in our imagination not because left us...
Hello. My name is Janet, and I work at the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center, known as the Clerc Center. The Clerc Center is pleased to announce the awarding of a contract for the...