Oh man, my poor friend Ryan is gonna be so mad. He just got a whole new receiver for his surround sound system at home, because he did not have... He had Toslink inputs, and he had S/PDIF outputs....



I chose the PDS program because I was interested in the yearlong student teaching experience. They're really getting involved from Day 1. There's just a lot of collaboration. You have...



Good Day folks, my name is Peter Waters. In this video I am going to tell you about having Cerebral Palsy Education is the tool I use every day, let me educate you... I went to Yoralla Special school,...
Competition is tight between Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott on the eve of the Australian election. There are over 100,000 Maori in Australia who are able to vote. Head to head and neck and neck. Up and...



Alright, check this out. This is probably one of the nastiest, niftiest, most high end, HDMI cables you will ever see, and I probably would never do a video on an HDMI cable, if it wasn't as...



Attention Orthodontists, this is Shan Bhattacharya, SEO expert with more than 20 years experience with organizations like Siemens, Australia Post and Telstra Media. I am looking to work with...



The Point Of Honor by Joseph Conrad Chapter IV No man succeeds in everything he undertakes. In that sense we are all failures. The great point is not to fail in ordering and sustaining the effort of...



Hello Personal Injury Attroneys, I am Shan Bhattacharya, an Internet Marketing expert with more than 20 years experience in IT industry with organizations like Siemens, Australia Post and Telstra...
{Ukulelevis ukulele theme playing}    Welcome, well today we'll talk about Bar (barre) chords and this will be our second session on Bar chords. And we will talk about the A-chord and the...
the the program that we launching to die will be delivered by the Australian Sports Commission and the national rugby Lake Australian Rugby League Commission in partnership with the PNG national...