Alternative break is an awesome program we have at JMU Offered through the CSL office, which is the Community Service Learning office. It's a way to just come together with different JMU...
Mediation, ADR, at he time was starting to grow in the legal field in particular, and also the human resources field, and we felt that there was a need for a mediation program somewhere at Durham...
Hi everyone, it's Lisa form This is a quick tutorial on how to make cauliflower rice. With the roughly chopped cauliflower, place it in the food processor and secure the top....
What you don't know can hurt you. You've done the best you could, cutting corners to make the monthly paycheck stretch a little further but it's not enough. You feel you may be...



Mags: To introduce Alistair McNaught. Now we're delighted to have Alistair join us. Alistair is one of the senior advisers from Jisc TechDis and he has worked very closely over the years with...
Hey guys, in this video I will show the results of testing baking soda as an alternative to edible potash or Akanwu or kanwa or kaun or keun. This ingredient has so many names. One of the uses of...
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Are you summer-ready? Here's some tips to help you get in shape. Get outside and explore the neighborhood. Try taking a ride on one of these cool vintage cycles from Heritage Bikes. And no...
If you are trying to get your hands on the best phentermine alternative check out the website called This site reviews the best alternatives for phentermine, it only reviews safe and...
This is the third part of the 24 Yang style Tai Chi. We left off at high pat on horse. We're going to move onto a series of kicks. One of my favorite moves is strike tiger's ears. We...