I went to London, I was looking around for Paul, I looked in New York, I looked in Los Angeles, and almost by accident I found Alex Newman, and it was just like a stroke of great luck, or maybe it was...
neck surgery is with us Nick is yeah a adore the director research at the Center for Media and Democracy thereon Alec exposed and source watchin and PR watch PR watch .org I Halak exposed at work...
jbjb1 This is for anyone who needs it. It took a long time to realize I am someone Let alone to translate it into words When the whole world seems to tell you you're wrong You grow up thinking...
his 17th amendment thing the American Legislative Exchange Council Alec you know the mood coming over the right-wing strategy since nineteen seventy something I read other pol memo more the founders...



Speaker 1: We have a wonderful surprise for you this evening. We're going to have a conversation between Alec Baldwin and Naomi Wolf prior to the screening of the world premiere of The End of...
Technology is not a magic pill- with Alec Couros Alec Couros Discusses Technology is not a magic pill. So yes, so yeah technology is certainly not a magic pill um, but...... but...... what's...
in this day with me alec mcginniss the senior editor for the new republic if i'm publication is and be website e_r_ dot com and out you guys have been doing some really really extraordinary...
Participation vs. Contribution Alec Couros- Discusses Participation vs. Contribution So that's a really interesting question, this idea of participation vs. contribution, ah, we live.........



Steve Monroe: We all know that the banks are coming back into the market and a lot of the banks never left lending for seniors housing and care.  I have with me today Alec Blanc, who is the Senior...



good afternoon and welcome to take action is gentleman's on saturday february twenty third this is the show a rico through the week series and tell you what you can do to take action and...