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[Sample Intro] The Business is entertainment And what entertain the customers is the sight of blood [Intro: 50 Cent] Cam I mean, I was bein nice to him, Ok I'll get him [Verse 1] You niggas...
Old lady!Old lady come! Come sit down near meh old lady Hmm Yuh know?Yuh deh wit meh even when thing bad Hmm hh, meh nah able talk,even,even when meh last meh wuk,yuh still deh with meh Hmhm Meh like...
Hello everyone, I am Aaron Let me tell all of you something There's this guy by the name of "Ryan Gobangthehead" or something [Because] I think he really has no life f**king...



I hear yall reptilians like to ah feed off negative emotions and millions of missing kids well open your mind wide open for this delicious ass food for thought So innocently we're dying while...
work rodents yarns medium-term bonds permits denotes static blessings pratap...
Spudley345: Get him..! GameBroAdvanced: Ow, fuck- I'm gonna die... Devificents: I'm on my way- JASON! GameBroAdvanced:...Damn it, fuckin' cleaver piece of shit. Spudley345: Ug-...
I just want you to know girl That I watch you change haha...here we go Hey lil mama let me rub my fingers in your hair is that creepy?, is that weird? are you scared? I don't care I'm...