Ian: Hi I'm Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia group here at the World Economic forum in Davos I think 2008 is the year when the United States is going to be increasingly challenged in terms of...



Angel: Hi, YouTube. This is Angel Gurria, Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development the OECE. [Pause] >> Ok, so the question is do you feel that the...
It is good to be in L.A.! (Applause.) It is colder in D.C. at the moment, colder in Chicago, and 70-degree weather is something to be thankful for. And it is great to be at DreamWorks Animation. I...
>> My name is Bright Simons. I'm the chief strategist of MPedigree. I am from Ghana. The issue of contract with medicine is one but clearly should receive the highest attention,...



At the University of Delaware, we dare to be first. Our community includes daring, dynamic individuals: Pulitzer Prize winners, Rhodes scholars, even the Vice President of the United States. We dare...
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Every nursing student has to go to a community rotation. I was noticing in the nurse's office that sometimes the kids don't know how to communicate, so one kid came in and he was...
The "Whose Line" Game... It could be with the guys who haven't played yet. Please, pick up two sentences each - don't look! Don't look, or else nobody will...



Hello, in this tutorial I show you how to make your own agenda with a simple sew Material folder, 30 graph or white sheets, use what you prefer needle, cotton thread, 4 tweezers, scissors, a piece of...
What we do is we basically drive as an average person on Delaware roadways and we collect some data. The data we collect is being used to improve the current traffic conditions in Delaware roadways,...