Hello, I'm Colin, and here are today's headlines from Pinksixty. A transgender woman has been killed in Turkey by her own brother, who claimed he shot her to “cleanse his honour”....
I remember I was about 8 years old and some neighbor, friend of ours asked, ‘What do you wanna be when you grow up?’ And I said, ‘I comedian!’ And he found me years later and he said, ‘Do remember...
Luxembourgers like things to be predictable. So, like everybody who was born in Luxembrourg and grew up in Luxembourg, I was expected to become either a teacher, a banker, or a civil servant. When I...
My name's Carl Junot and I'm the head coach for Harvard Men's Soccer. And we're here on historic O'Hiri field. It's the final day of Liverpool F.C.,...
Ervin Nagy actor I'm straight and cisgender, so in this country I don't have to face any kind of discrimination. But there are people who are discriminated against because their sexual...
Lajos Parti Nagy writer & poet I go to the march every year, when I can, so that perhaps in my lifetime we can get to the point when we don’t have to march and demonstrate, because I hate...
>> Michael There’s a story of a rabbi who is having a shabatt meal with a Roman emperor. The emperor comes back to the rabbi and says you have to tell me how do you make the delicious...
No man... If you don't want to get raped all you have to do is follow a simple step. You just put your hands up and spin around. That sounds stupid. No... My Friend told... She took a rape...
In September 2000, the United Nations Assembly unanimously adopted the UN Millennium Declaration. It was an 8 goal agenda that all 192 Member States agreed to adopt. We, the humanity of the third...