I live in Los Angeles. There's a lot to love about this city: Palm trees. Music. Art. That hill from “(500) Days of Summer”. The funny little train by my office downtown. Los Angeles has so...



Hello and welcome. Appreciate everyone making the journey to OPM today for our, we're going to go over the end to end hiring roadmap, the initiative that we have regarding that and then the...
Welcome to the APSCo latest news summary, produced by HR & Recruiter TV and sponsored by the Technology In Recruitment Alliance. We start with the latest APSCo monthly trends which show it’s...
Lives are in the making here Hearts are in the waking here Mighty undertaking here, UP! AND ON! We are arming for the fight Pressing on with all our might Pluming wings for higher flight, UP! AND ON!...



Here we present our original solution for the management of public lighting and energy saving. The innovative system is based on a wireless sensor network enabled by the lighting systems, which...



The deadline for signing was twice extended. The Sudan government had said it would sign, but the text had been revised. They'd been — more concessions had been squeezed out of them,...
My reaction is that if it is true that we are having these high profile visitations to foreign countries for care then I will be very disappointed. That we are dealing with a government that gave the...
交通指挥单调乏味的动作能演绎出什么美感呢? Directing traffic is dull and tedious. 有人发现了这样一个交警。 But someone found a special traffic police in Chengtu. 这名在路口跳舞的交警叫陈思鸿。 This traffic police who is dancing at the crossing is...
(Nigeria Baby :Lagos Street-life - only on BattaBox) I lost my child because before my wife was rushed to the hospital(her water broke in the car) Before we rushed to the hospital for necessary things...