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Are you trying to hire an affordable professional Lowell painter that you can trust? Don't risk working with a low budget contractor who uses inferior materials just to cut costs Boston...



It’s a beautiful day here in the middle of October and this weather surely won’t last. In our part of the country, which is Southeast Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia, in Wayne,...
I was impressed with how many great reviews they had. What makes CertaPro different is that our people really care about making our customers happy. They asked what they could do to make painting an...
COMM: Artist Ani K, has ditched his paintbrush, to create masterpieces using just his tongue. The schoolteacher from Kerela, India, has produced over 1,000 artworks since adopting the unusual method...
soon lives videos this zone here one i'm jonathan came from what the flick any interest and that was a scene from blue valentine which stars ryan gosling as dean and michelle williams as cindy...
if you've been in a car accident you might find yourself asking "What do I do now?" At Ivan's Auto Body we'll take care of you every step of the way. Whatever...
Everything was now in a regular train: theatre, actors, actresses, and dresses, were all getting forward; but though no other great impediments arose, Fanny found, before many days were past, that it...
For the exhibition of my father, Erik Pevernagie, we made a selection of his work. This event is entitled "Terra Incognita" and is organized on the occasion of the 40th anniversary...
Michael Landy (in studio): At the moment I am drawing paintings. I am not drawing real women, I am drawing paint. That is kind of how I began as a child; you begin with people putting things in front...