Jen Waldburger: Let's talk about how to nurture the baby's brain development. The good news is that you do not need to buy fancy toys or DVDs designed to make your babies smarter. Some...
Hi guys welcome back to wickfree tv its me Alexandra sorry if im looking a bit ropy but im having my eyes done this week and im now allowed to wear any make up not like its really going to help but...
Hi guys, I'm Melissa. Welcome back to CloudMom. Answering a question today from a YouTube viewer, Guryain Sharma, "I have a six month old baby who will not take the bottle, what can I...
Jen Waldburger: Let's talk about some of the ways to nurture attachment. Holding your baby is a great way to encourage her attachment to you. Notice what she seems to enjoy. Lots of cuddles...
So I guess the most popular question is, "How much should my baby be eating?" And this is a very hard question for pediatricians to answer, and we often feel challenged by this...
>> BOY OFF CAMERA: Recording Beanie. Beanie, stand. *gasp* Good girl! You learned a trick. Good girl! Yay! I can’t believe how fast she learned that. >> BOY OFF CAMERA:...
this child, this one, she is one of the victims of Bashar's reforms. a one month old her mother and her sister died. her mother and her sister died and her father is in Lebanon. her father ran...
common feminine current spending uh... uncommon cooling and heating connie in only me com underneath are meeting online relief needy hemmingford bailey numeral unique movie new family need them means...



With traditional spoon feeding what usually happens is that an infant is presented with some kind of puree or mush on a spoon, by the parent, and it's a case of trying to get, as every, many...
Hi everyone, Melissa here from answering a question today from Tara who has a four and half months old baby and is finding that as soon as she puts her baby girl down to sleep in the...