Narrator: Researchers at Michigan State University are collecting samples and conducting screenings for Glyphosate and round-up resistance in weeds that may be found in Michigan. Fairly standard stuff...
Yay! [CHEERS] I love the Army Cadets. I recommend everyone should do it. [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGHTER] Hugs. [INAUDIBLE] Whoo! Yeah. I've had a really good time being here. It's a lot of fun...
Dear Beau Brooks, This video is from behalf of all the Janoskianators around the world. This video is to say that we really love you, and we hope that you have an amazing 20th birthday. I think we...
Hello, we are with Sonny from the Loveable Rogues, Hi! Hi! You alright? I'm very well thank you. Good. So we're here at the Wheyhey stand which is obviously a protein ice cream,...
(sound of walking) Jimmy: Oh, shit. Oh, shit! Dusty: Happy birthday to you. Jimmy: Cha-cha-cha. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Jimmy. Happy birthday to you. Jimmy: Thank you. Dusty:...
Iwi representatives and claimants gathered today in Wellington to discuss the Waitangi Tribunal's decision on water rights and the effect it has on the Government's next move....
I never thought that it'd be easy, Cause we're both so distant now, And the walls are closing in on us And we're wondering how, No one has a solid answer, But we're...
Vas happenin' guys My name is Aline. We're brazilians! My name is Ana Clara. And mine is Paloma. And this is Louis Brazilian Party! And we're here 'cause we love One...
The government are in breach of their own legal process, says Te Whanau a Apanui. They're pursuing a judicial review in the High Court to question the government's actions to...
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