12 days of ancient egypt

My first day of work was really exciting. I was a little intimidated I was meeting a lot of people and seeing a lot of different things. But, it was also really, really exciting because I knew that I...
I'm so bored! Alright So we are finally in Dahab After a 15... 15 hour bus ordeal With the guys we're all pretty damn hungry Very hungry That was pretty awful The guy at the hotel told...
The two Koreas have opened their first round of reunions for families separated by the Korean War in more than three years. More than 80 South Koreans arrived in the North on Thursday. Some meet with...
[ music ] NASA's new IRIS telescope keeps a close watch on small areas of the Sun at a time. On January 28th, 2014, IRIS caught a huge burst of X-ray light, a solar flare. This is the largest...
One thing I'd like the public to know about NASA is that We are really involved in trying to improve the earth that we are living on. We are doing a lot of research on the atmosphere, the...
I want to talk about something that didn't happen during the Egyptian revolution. Now, I really, really understand how difficult it is; not to hate the police right now, when you're...
And when the king heard the words of Abram he ordered him to be put into prison; and Abram was ten days in prison. And at the end of those days the king ordered that all the kings, princes and...