Let me tell you - when I was standing there on top of the world, you become so humble. You don't think about breaking records anymore, you don't think about gaining scientific data - the only thing...
When I was 14, my dad came home one day and told us he had cancer. It was looking pretty bad. And I remember him saying how afraid he was that he hadn't gotten to do the things he wanted to do during...
I first started asking big questions when I was 12, and by big questions, I mean, 'Why are we here? What is this business? We're alive for a few short decades and then poof, we're out of here.'
When I was in the 9th grade I was flunking out of high school. And that's why I'm so encouraged by the fact that America is the place where opportunity and American exceptionalism is alive and well.



What’s up, guys? For Complex News, I’m Frazier Tharpe. On this Martin Luther King Day weekend, it’s worth remembering that, while MLK may now be a national hero, loved by all and with his own...
Life is such an interesting subject matter and it has been explored and analyzed for many centuries. As a writer I appreciate the many literary and thought-provoking quotes on the meaning of life. As...
If I could write to the kid I was before, I'd tell him you'll get everything you ever wanted, But you will still want more. Someone's going to tell you Who should want to be So you'll forget the...
Hey y'all, it's me again. It's February 25th, 2014 and I am alive! I kind of disappeared off the face of the Earth for a little bit but I figured I'd make one of these...
Stop. Just stop it. Sorry, sister. I didn't do it on purpose. Why do you drink anyway? You're dead, Nicholas. Alcohol has no effect on you. It's a sweet memory of when I was...
I know this sounds strange, but as a kid, I was really shy. Painfully shy. The turning point was freshman year, when I was the biggest geek alive. No one, I mean no one, even talked to me.

