If cats were double the size they are now, they'd probably be illegal.
If someone realises the piece they are wearing is inspired by me then it only broadens my audience.
Things are the way they are because they were the way they were.



Half the issues they - are so polished they're talking about - are dead by the time they get into the office, and into the midst of their tour where they're really productive.
Leaks are not the problem; they are the symptom. They reveal a disconnect between what people want and need to know and what they actually do know. The greater the secrecy, the more likely a leak.
I'm not in front of the camera, they are. I encourage them; I build up as much of their confidence and ego as possible. They've got to take control; I can't act it out.
Beware of your habits. The better they are the more surely they will be your undoing.
Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise.



Some people need to stay at the top. They are afraid to re-start from zero because they fear the critics.



Until 1985, when my lab found the protein they are made of, aquaporins hadn't yet been identified. There had been a controversy in biology for more than 100 years about how water moved through cells.

