Clara:So you actually live up here on a cloud in a box? Doctor:I have now for a long time now yes Clara: Blimey you really know how to sulk don't you? Doctor: Im not sulking! Clara:You live in...



Hello lovely Food Tubers, so it's the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who and for all your lovely Doctor Who fans out there I've got a real surprise for you. I'm going to make a...
It's too hot in here! Why don't you take your cardigan off, Ella? Because then I'll be too cold! Recently I went into Urban Outfitters which is the most annoying mix of...
The Type-40 TARDIS, meaning Time and Relative Dimension In Space, is a semi-sentient bio-synthetic gallifreyan spacecraft capable not only of travelling through space with near-instantaneous speed,...
All of us we 're fans of the show. We all wanted to see what is beyond. What cabins lay within the TARDIS. All those rooms and corridors and landscapes that we' ve imagined but never...
Turbotastic! what is up guys? Turbo here! and my computer's lagging *long pause* but I built a TARDIS in minecraft. here here, why does my computer have to lag so much? Get in the TARDIS. Get...



What the... ? I thought ... Why doesn't it light up ? I have no idea... Hello Who are you? I don't know... How did you get in here?! Is there anything you know? I've got a...



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Running away with a space in a box anything could happen to you. It's good salvage. I can smell it. Clara. Where is she? She's still onboard. If you help me get her out, you get the...



- Hey you. - Hey! - Listen, can we talk? - Rory! No shut up. I've just got a question, that's all. You okay up there? Yeah, fine, no problem. What are you doing? Helping the Doctor!...