Struggle through life to survive. Each day is a fight to stay alive. Only the strong live for today. Keep moving on don't ever fade away. Look at the calendar where has the time gone? Manage it wisely...
What has happened is the 'stand your ground' law has become so over-arching that the definition has been lost. There's a lot of people claiming 'stand your ground.'
>>> Coming up next on "Arizona Horizon," should Arizona's stand-your-ground law be changed? >>> find out about new ASU research on...
there is a nother controversial Stand Your Ground case out a Florida this time it involves a 17-year-old a black boy and also a forty year old black man now other person who shot in this case for this...
ralph ward is a florida man who shot and killed his wife's lover has been acquitted under the state's stand your ground loss of this man actually and turn it into his home late at...
[REV. DR. C. WELTON GADDY, HOST]: There's been little letup in the ongoing debate of so-called "Stand Your Ground" laws since the George Zimmerman verdict in Florida last...
let kiss is a wonderful little story coming on the uh... just i guess uh... the day before gun appreciation day what day was data gun appreciation day it was on saturday on saturday on friday this...
>>> Coming up next on "Arizona Horizon" -- a debate on new rules for prosecutors who find evidence that a convicted defendant is not guilty....
let's talk about claudius Smith now there's a name that's gonna probably be popping up a lot in the near future because it might be one of the next big ass stand your ground...