(ooh) for the way you changed my plans for being the perfect distraction for the way you took the idea that i have of everything that i wanted to have and made me see there was something missing (oh...
I never knew any Jews until I got into show business. I've found them to be real smart and good workers.
I never knew how protective I was until I had my own child. I'm already thinking about intruders coming into the house and what our escape route would be.
I never knew I was an artist until I did 'Last of the Mohicans'.
I can say that I never knew what joy was like until I gave up pursuing happiness, or cared to live until I chose to die. For these two discoveries I am beholden to Jesus.
People always say you never know love until you have your own child and all of that is true.



It's funny, but I never knew I was hot or could be beautiful until I saw 'Basic Instinct,' and I was so shocked when I saw how pretty they made me.



I never knew motherhood could be so truly gratifying until I had Natasha.



Have I never told you I love you Have I never told you I care Have I never told you how much I need you Have I ever, ever not bein' there If I never told you a care Girl, I swear to you it's not...



I never knew what I wanted to do, but I knew the kind of woman I wanted to be.