Diane von furstenberg

The real story is that I am very free, that I've managed to be who I wanted to be without compromising.
The iPad! What is better designed than that? I read magazines on it, I play Scrabble. I use it for everything.
Fashion is mysterious, as a rule. Why are blue jeans a classic? You just hit on something that happens to be timeless and right.
My mother never, ever told me about evilness. She only saw the beautiful things... she wanted to protect me from it.
The important thing is to take your time and not get stressed.
Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections.
The fashion industry has a responsibility to represent a healthy image of women, but to start weighing them and putting them against a wall and making them feel like animals? No.
I was a very young girl and I got into fashion very much by accident, wanting to be independent. What was wonderful was that while I was learning and discovering - learning about the work, discovering...
A challenging economy is always good for design. It unites necessity and functionality. You are forced to be creative with poor materials.