What is the history of veganism? Is it a creation of hippies and hipsters? A modern diet fad? Or does it reach back further? Well today we’re going to go back- way back. Okay, not that far- to...
She was the first of her sisters to run away from the house that saw her birth to the wild. Every day was a gift, free from sun to sun. The mountain was her salvation, and among the beasts, she grew...
Hello everyone welcome back to my channel in this video i am going to show you How we can make gel eyeliner at home there are three* methods but today in this video i am going to show you one method...
He wrestled Sumo with an angel. What is the meaning of this picture? I believe the Japanese Sumo is connected with ancient Israel. Defeat, let them be! The Sumo art has been handed down from ancient...
Chicha Morada is a drink with Andean origens. However, it is now consumed and renowned throughout the entire country. Its history and consumption reaches back to pre-Hispanic times. It is the drink of...



[the day of making] Let's focus on the situation of the roads Now there's a traffic jam on Jing-Kai highway We're informed by some citizens that they saw some people seeming to...
Should I speak? So you ask some questions.... Maybe ask about Indore gharana PNB: First please tell us something about the Indore gharana UAK: The definition of gharana is as follows UAK: All the...



Since ancient times, people from throughout Asia have brought to Japan their talents, knowledge and energy, helping to lay the basis for Japan's existence as a country.



I'm not sure whether this concept is in fact "oriental." What I mean is that from ancient times, in Greece or in Africa, every culture has started [making clothes] from a...
This place is bursting with emotion and taste - I'm getting all excited! It's indeed a nice place... What's wrong, you look kinda conflicted. No, I just remembered the reason...

