black people in america are of love and just like everyone else, But, black people in america today are too forgiving blacks i women, working in government, hate black men. blacks in church, are lost...
another story from our friend will college of on the over the examiner and the we survive bush's arrival bomb a what face book page a republican senator says he doesn't give a rats asp...
PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. About five, six months ago we did an interview with Kali Akuno on a report that he coauthored on the...
Y’all, I thought that Buzzfeed video was parody for a clean 15 minutes after I watched it. Hey YouTube World! It's me, Evelyn. So Buzzfeed recently published a video titled "27...
(upbeat music) - Why do you always make such horrible decisions in horror movies? It's not cool to split up! - Why do you freak out when black people are cast to play white fictional...
Shocked waitress is left a racist note by white couple who 'don't tip black people' - but COMPLIMENT her for 'great service' A waitress who served a white...
black conservative author Kevin Jackson one on news max's radio show where Ron Christie was guest hosting who is also a black conservative so let's listen to someone there hatred of...
act two million people celebrate kwanzaa but that doesn't matter because wisconsin state senator glenn bronfman millions likewise at is just coming up holiday that black people don't...
a here's a the whole areas failure on the part love republicans trying to reach out to black people abington Post is reporting that mostly white people showed up to Rand Paul's speech...
For you guys who are tuning in now what we're talking about is: In our local neighborhood a Black History Month music session for the local college. What happened to us last year was quite...