This here is version 2.0 of the nitinol motor. I don't everything set up perfectly yet, but you can get the gist of how the thing works. It's really, at this point, just down to a few...
Ezekiel Version 2.0 by Shane Jabara It is now a biblical Ezekiel Version 2.0, and it is one 'hell' of a show, as long as your not screwing your own, it's business get back on...
$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz S9c]^ 'Qc} 374m sX3T zTOH PUXF 7|Ct *UNY +{FyPV d_J O,zP V.e#V...



I would sell 2 million records, a million went to teenagers and a million went to the adults. So, when The Beatles became so popular, I lost a million to the teenagers, but I was still selling a...
Hi everybody, Koala eiO here! Today we take a look at my pulse generator which I made way more compact compared to the first design I published. So here it is, I've made it more compact,...



It bivouacs in a neighboring detached island. We are very happy. What fell to the ground is eaten. I drink the 5th glass of beer. It is a very good view. The ribs and beer of a pig are the highest...



Tiana - The Frog Princess She is about to go the the supermarket Woww! Supermarket has lots of delicious food Princess buys so many vegetables to cook delicious food How to make Tiana (The Frog...
Hello everyone, everything good? This is Fábio Junior Alves and today I will go explain to you a little bit about how the control panel of Viaja.Info works, called a dashboard. It is in this tool...
I joined a pay-to-play site ‘Cuz I got my voice to sell They send me lots of auditions And I’m doin’ really well Then I reach the part where the paycheck comes A dollar ninety three Are you frickin’...