Chapter 3 CHANEL and the Diamond "If I have chosen the diamond, it is because it represents, in its density "the greatest value in the smallest volume." In 1932, Gabrielle...
第十章 狮子 狮子庄严尊贵 人们欣赏它,敬畏它,追捕它,战胜它 而嘉柏丽尔•香奈儿决定驯服它 生于8月19日的香奈儿女士是狮子座 黄道第五个星座 5和19成了她的幸运数字 狮子就是她的守护神 狮子是一种个性 勇敢无畏,警觉敏锐,充满激情,魅力四射 香奈儿女士曾说 “正因为我是狮子座,我习惯以利爪自卫。” “但是请相信我,我宁可伤害自己也不愿抓伤他人。” 狮子是一种象征 除了香烟和裁缝剪刀之外 嘉...
Chapter 2 Marilyn and N°5 What do you wear to bed? Just a few drops of N°5... While disembarking from a plane? At a press conference? We may never know when she said the phrase for the first time....