一 (男醫生) 你開始感覺累了. 二 你的雙眼快撐不住了. 你的眼睛越扎越慢. (鬧鐘響) 三 (鬧鐘聲) 你可以的! 加油, Kelly! (惡魔男) Kelly,可以幫我去店裡買牛奶嗎? (Kelly 的媽媽) (槍聲) 幹你娘啦! (Kelly 的聲音) 有些事是沒辦法隱瞞的, Kelly! (惡魔男) (車子喇叭聲) 牛奶, 牛奶, 牛奶讓我好舒服. 牛奶, 牛奶, 牛奶讓我好舒服. 牛奶...



At first, I saw this dark tunnel and I couldn't see anything. Then I saw this bright light at the end of the tunnel. It was a binding flight It was a beautiful place. I never imagined that...