I'm joined today by Jed maury he is the author of this book the great American disconnect seven fundamental threats to our democracy jed really great to talk to you all very quickly just kind...
أصبحت الجريمة عالمية في ربع القرن الماضي لقد أصبح لها أبعاد متصلة بالاقتصاد الكلي وقوة عسكرية هجومية جعلتها تهديدا لاستقرار الدول التقرير الذي نصدره اليوم "عولمة الجريمة" يقدم أول...
eight-year-old rebecca side only uh... found out that two boys at her nine-year-old daughter school were bullying her she when time is traitors they find support as we did absolutely nothing about it...