Art 390 is a chance for us to try out special topics. Try out Topics that we realize that need to be part of the curriculum but are still figuring out how to create a class which is rigorous enough to...
Welcome to 3Ts conference 2013 – 3Ts stands for Transliteracy, Technology and Teaching … and this year’s theme is “Transliteracy from Cradle to Career” where educators at the K-12 and college levels,...
Saturday, November 16 NIGHTS OF UNCERTAINTY Before I start, please excuse the awful state of my voice. I'll do my best to make my questions audible for you, ladies and gentlemen. It's...
On any given day the Morean Arts Center sparks fly in a sculpture class someone will say "I did that?" a centuries-old process is repeated children demonstrate their creativity...



Professor Langdon Hammer: Today I'm going to try to talk a little bit more about Elizabeth Bishop, and I'm also going to try to give some big perspectives on the poets we've...
[Casady] So some of the algorithmic instruction is making the lines bend and straighten and curve, [Stefans] Oh absolutely, yeah. [Casady] And another one is dispersing them ... is that an algorithm...
[ Background Music ] >> The exhibition is called "Word and Image" because of course in the early modern period words were enormously important. You have the print...