Felicitări, domnule. Bine lucrat. Vrei şi dumneata, domnule? E gratis. Când termini sticla, ei o înlocuiesc cu alta. Nici nu ştiam că se face vin în... Malta. Ţi-ai pregătit discursul? Ştiu ce voi...



Capitala e mai sigură ca niciodată. Nu e nimic de făcut. Sunt inert. - Ce ai pentru mine? - Ceva înfricoşător. Dar ştii ce avem aici, nu-i aşa? Un alt imitator. Un fan dement al fraţilor Kray. - El...



- Câţi Kray aţi avut? - Doi băieţi perfecţi. - Ce e în afurisitul de Congo? - Mercenari. - Şi Steven Dukes? - Nu ne mai interesează. Cizmarul trebuia să folosească un calapod, adică forma piciorului...



This is my home. My son picked up that parcel. It's my job to keep this stuff outside the house, not let it in the door. I let 'em down. - This may be Bousfield's kidney. - It's half of it. Half?...



I'm here to see the Commander. The murder of Alice Graves is an exact recreation of the murder of Annie Chapman. Alice Graves was found in a back yard with her throat cut and body horribly mutilated,...



(Man) Here's Joe. - Joe, nice to 'see you. - Nice to 'see you. - Commander, how are you? - Very well. (Siren) (Shouting) That's why men like Joe are the future of Briti'sh policing. No pre's'sure...



you claim to dream, to dream the answers you claim to dream and smell it on their lips half asleep, blurred visions in green a poisoned dream, wake up sweet prince how long have you? you claim to...
what gave the world to you? lie down and fall asleep there is a better place to go you’re a creation of god deformed what gave the world to you? lost soul lie down and fall asleep side show there is...



drown yourself in a lake take the ship to the states write a letter, be someone else hire a coachman and go out late look like a surgeon or a patient a noble man who robs a beggar be a butcher maybe a...