It was a black day in LA and that?s where I got to know her That?s when she said she?s from a small town she comes from South Dakota But I know it?s a lie and I still don?t know why she?s better than...
What do I have to do to get these thoughts out of my head They?re racing around like a turbine engine Who made the rule to make these thoughts so intangible Strangle them with my hands full I always...
I don?t think you were clear enough with me girl I know we?ve had a couple drinks but you?re here still Looking for something more maybe a cocktail I?m a hit man you can be my hit girl I did, I did...



Would you follow me into the dark Are you a leader, cut from the spark that your mother made Are you ashamed Held in the same Hollywood frame as a memory So people could see, like a reality cast on a...



I wish I was without feeling Then everything would be Easier repeating Its like we're stuck on a re-run Where everything we do We've already been through Are we still going no where (going no where)...



You were the one that picked up the drink You were the one that had to free Look at your head Makin' a mess Even the people around you confess Licking your lips and tasting the glass Bought from the...
So many weeks have passed by me I?m a slave to you when my heart beats I just want to talk to you to say That I got a case of the missing memory Please baby put it back into place I just want to say...
Here?s to the bitter end The thick and the thin Through the loss and the win When the journey is alone I can live on the edge I can do what I want I can say to you baby you know I don?t give a fuck...