Y'a une chandelle dans la chambre La femme et la flamme y dansent L'amour me force à le reconnaître Y'a une lueur dans la fenêtre J'ai pas pu m'empêcher d'rester à la regarder, à l'oublier J'ai...
Virgin little schoolgirls Dirty little nurse Teachers, whores and chambermaids All lifting up their skirts Sister's in the bathroom Getting nice and clean Telescopic vision He's bursting at the seams...



From shelter to shelter you roam, wishing you could find yourself a home. It's not this house, it's me & you. & while you obsess over the dark, I obsess over you. Where ever you are...
I built this shrine for you. Object of my obssesion, object of no confession. In this pantheon, I am surrounded by you, my idol. No word was ever spoken.
I am the terrifier! Farewell, my fellow men. I've walked away from you, made an intense effort, to feel the pleasures of today. They will not come to me. Your pleasures mean nothing to me. I feel like...
Leave me alone Swarm of drones With compound eyes I wish they were blind Leave me alone, alone Thousands of receptor units Flooded with my awful sight They are everywhere I cannot hide Be afraid Be...
The walls are closing in. The curtains drop, I've locked the door. I'm standing with my back against the wall. These walls have eyes. I must not..fall! In vertigo I stumble, in confusion i tremble. I...
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean you are not after me.
(function() {var opts = {artist: "Gal_Costa",song: "Voyeur",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999))};document.write('');var...

