My daughter Tara was born in 2007 and she was a happy, healthy, ball of fun until in August 2009, she was discovered to have a tennis ball sized Brian Tumour and was rushed to hospital to have an...
- Certo. Olha eu tive essa ideia muito louca, mas se eu não te perguntar, isso vai me assombrar pro resto da vida. - Eu não tenho ideia da sua situação, mas eu sinto como se tivéssemos tido algum...



Is it a problem? If it's a problem? Yeah? Could it be a problem? Do you want it to be a problem? I don't know. Should we say it's a problem? That's what you're...
- The title of your album, 'Churches, Schools and Guns', or even a track like 'Laws and Habits', shows the negative aspect of our society. Do you think that human...
movies are inherently a a social experience right there's a lot of ways to consume video today along but going to the movies is still an important way that people connect with each other the...
What can I tell you about beer? Well, nothing really, never had it! Here we are, the trio of misfits. This is me, Winston Junior. Things may not always pan out for me, but at least you can say......
Tom: Hello, my name is Thomas Greene. I'm 27 years old. I don't have a job. I have no family. Admittedly, I'm probably not your typical applicant. I am medically trained,...
hi i'm here with Chris Lowell Hi, I'm Chris Lowell, I'm here with Kristen Bell. Hi, I'm Kristen Bell. This first question is for Kristen Bell what is your favorite...
Veronica Mars returns to solve a new mystery and Naked and Afraid actually has a second season: This is EW's Must List for Friday, March 14. Welcome back, Marshmallows! Seven years after the...
screw back the situation sorry try to kill me Jack work okay yeah hello welcome to what but I'm prestigious is banned this is Matt we're talking about Jack Ryan shout over crew it can...