[Lyrics by J. Leinonen] Katso menneeseen valon lapsi, Katso ja kavahda. Aika on muokkautuna Käsiemme kautta. Mennyt lunastettava ja Tervehoys joka kaikaa suomen Saloilla, metsissä tuhannen Vuoden...
Born in a time of propaganda order to the sanctum of serpents and vortex of lies Born to be a slave for the righteous system crawling like a maggot in this sweet human plague Taught to swallow all...
I felt dead, as the rain fell from the sky through that this is the end, that my time has come... But there were something... a whisper in the darkness a voice from the mist of night... Breathing cold...
Like pathetic worms we crawl through the scorched earth Searching for our fallen souls from the deserts of propaganda Our inner selves devoured by illusion of murdering greed Somewhere bleeding in the...
[Lyrics by Sir Kain & Nidhogg] Ei ristin sielua. Ei valoa pimyteen. Ei ilon hiventä. Ei tietoa hyvästä. Kuunvalo kalpea, silmiä polttavan Hohtava. Tieni on loppuun kohtaava. Ei ristin...
The praise of living corpses smell the stench of rotting flesh Strangled by their murdering hands nails that went deeper by every world Misanthropy never fades forever burning black a raven heart The...
Hulluutta, sairautta kantaen näen hänet polkujaan kulkevan. Juttuja herrastaan kertoen, avainta taivaaseen tarjoten
[Lyrics by L. Englund] Christianity the world Spread desease Infects you from the birth Lord of the weak Lord of lies Lord Jesus Christ Glorified and idolized, But we know the truth Son of a whore Not...
Minäpä kerron teille korkeimmasta laista kun liekki on tarpeeksi kirkas,on vahvinkin liha taipuvaista Ei ole evankeliumia toista kuin rikottu ranne Itsemurha ei ole ratkaisu siispä ratkaisen...
a misanthropic dream of great isolation so cold from inside... desperate and agonized In one moment I saw this all withering felt how this world of shit fell down... In one moment I saw this vanity...