Twisted words my darkest emotions

Why are my words so twisted That answers turn into questions Misunderstanding, they keyword Finding answers, my point of view... So it seems, its black Can't explain, images of torture Expressions of...
Some days life feels perfect. Other days, it just aint working. The good, the bad, the right, the wrong and everything in between. Yo it's crazy. Amazing. We can turn a heart with the words we...



destabilized I am welcome to a world with a better future The letter is only true with the dark side unresolved Spinning, dizzy , loss entered a chaotic world Shattered too many times to satisfy the...



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[lyrics by Birgit Lages] you are not there anymore where you used to be but you are wherever I am here in my heart there's no more love there's no belief in heaven above here in my mind there's sorrow...
Unholyness shadows your name. grace will never hold your hand. you are a disorder of twisted spirits. vomited forth from the bastard son. uneasiness lights your way. you are the only lit candle in a...
You are on my mind While I'm out of it already Care for me And take me to the seaside I never saw a beauty Like you, shadow in despair Comfort my desire Pressurized beyond repair Hold me spell-bound...
You are on my mind While I'm out of it already Care for me And take me to the seaside I never saw a beauty Like you, shadow in despair Comfort my desire Pressurized beyond repair Hold me spell-bound...



Emotions are easily spent, twisted and forever bent. When fixations are not returned the lines are so quickly obscured. When I am haunted by your vision, I will cause you pain. At me you spit your...