capital de españa ciudad de contrastes antigua la visión de la modernidad destino y origen de todo tipo de culturas desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad felipe segundo trasladó la capital del país a...
also president Obama news President Obama amid the controversy over Russia's granting of a one-year asylum to NSA leaker Edward snowden has canceled his meeting with Russian President Vladimir...
a few weeks ago we talked about how hot the government has issued a travel warning to anyone attempting to travel in mexico right and dot the reason why the issued a travel warning is because right...
i'm speaking today with matt doors and say he is a filmmaker and traveler and also director of d p_r_k_ the land of whispers this is of course the documentary that matt made traveling in north...
car rolled has been going after the tea party saying hey you know i've ever since her victory fund and we'll raise a lot of money to basically supported stab list of republicans well...