Ever since I became one of yours I'm a target for the kill The enemy is on my trail Wants to own my will Shots of guilt with every surge Of enticing attack Part of me wants to surrender now But my...



V1 I'll find perfection when all roads switch direction Simple phrases, composition will never be the Same You'll change your mind when clocks stop keeping time But you'll never come to find opinions...



( tense theme playing ) ( gun cocks ) ( gun cocks ) Hold it, deputy. Point that gun in the air. Now let the hammer down slowly. ( hammer clicks ) Toss it over to me. You've had it long enough. Now...
Previously on "brothers & sisters" did you know that you were our number-one associate this month? No,I didn'T. We were very impressed at the partners' meeting. We're keeping our eye on...
Momma praying for me Grandma praying for me Satan preying on me Jesus waiting on me 'Cause I've been straddling the fence it's time to make decisions I've been thinking about Heaven lately, don't...