Trey anastasio

We always felt like we were throwing a party for our friends, regardless of the size or the place, because we actually were throwing a party for our friends. We've always had a very tight knit...
When Phish broke up, I made some comment about how I'm not gonna go around playing 'You Enjoy Myself' for the rest of my life.
The biggest sacrifice to me is to not be in an atmosphere where I can keep writing and moving forward.
Working on a play is a vibrant and collaborative business. Everyone from the choreographer to the music director to the director to the writers work together toward the same goal, and everyone chimes...
I've learned that in the theater the story is everything. Every lyric, every line and every musical gesture has to propel the journey of a given character or the overall plot.
When I was growing up in New Jersey, my mom would regularly take my sister and I into the city to see shows. I have many fond memories of standing in the half-price ticket line in Times Square and...
It was amazing and inspiring to see so many people come together through music to aid the great state of Vermont.
Phish has run its course and that we should end it now while it's still on a high note.
We were always a party band and we used to play outside a lot.
When you're a musician and you break new ground it resonates into the common consciousness.