Tornado kick tutorial

So actually a lot of people call this move a 540 or a Tornado Kick. But in the strict since there is a difference in the degree of rotation. Most people can just simply do it. If you land on the foot...
Ok so now that we've learned how to jump up properly, we're going to go straight into the kick. Now just from a standstill, I'm going to show you that what you need to do...
So now that we've learned how to do the tornado kick let's take a look at some other variations. You can always adjust the speed, the height of your kick, and you can always also do it...
Now let's jump right into the Tornado Kick. In order to set up or prepare for the running of this move, I like to start with the left leg back. Just so I more momentum and build up for the...
Now out of all the variations that we've mentioned earlier, a particular one is the degree of rotation. Now people call this the 540 kick, but you can also do the 720 or 1080, as many...
So today we've learned the complete steps to do a five forty Tornado Kick. We've gone over a few variations on the degrees of rotation and different styles you can incorporate for this...