Tom daschle

Let there be no doubt: the state of our union is strong - stronger than the terrorists who seek to harm us and stronger than the challenges that confront us. At the same time, we know that our union...
When you're in the minority, it doesn't matter what you're agenda is, you're not going to have the degree of freedom that you have as a member of the majority.
People were concerned about national security, and that precluded us from having the opportunity to break through on the issues that we cared most about - the economy, education and health care.
Iraq is not the only nation in the world to possess weapons of mass destruction, but it is the only nation with a leader who has used them against his own people.
I've been amazed at the degree to which Democrats, in particular, have expressed their enthusiasm for the president's manner with which he handled this budget.
This president failed so miserably in diplomacy that we are now forced to war.
The campaign is over. It's time for the work of governing to begin.
President Bush has said that the economy is growing, that there are jobs out there. But you know, it's a long commute to China to get those jobs.
We must correct the problems and inequities in the way we conduct and decide elections in the United States.
It was important for us to be as supportive as our candidates and as our incumbent senators would have us be.