Top 5: Juiciest 'Kpop Dating Gossips' in the year 2017 (which turned out to be true!) 2017 was yet another exciting year in K-entertainment with all the new catchy hits, debuts,...
Hey guys, Property Search... Think Gladfish. I'm Brett Alegre-Wood, and this is Property Rant. So today, it's's a fantastic question, but in very rarely or not...
- Well, if you weren't paranoid before this video, sorry in advance. So personally, I've always been a big fan of conspiracy theories. Mainly because I feel like they get people to...
Hey Thoughty2 here, conspiracy theorists are often mocked and called tin-foil hat wearing loonies, but whatever people may say, they have got the occasional thing correct. And sometimes the truth is...
How to be True to yourself. Hi Everyone Christine Here, So I want to talk to you about the common belief that it's about who you know that get's you ahead in life I want to challenge...



It's amazing what ridiculous stories get passed around the table at a dinner party, or when you're out drinking with your friends. I'm sure you've heard a few gruesome...
- "And it turned out that the killer was Canadian. "Mwahahahaha!," said no Urban Legend ever. So, we've all heard an Urban Legend at some point in our lives and if...
The so called GRACE GOSPEL that is preached by many people is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. It is not true, it is a LIE. You cannot just believe in Jesus Christ and have salvation, we have to OBEY Jesus Christ...
- Oh, hey, Dmitri, you're Greek. Do you know my friend Nick Stanatopolous? - So just because I'm Greek, I have to know every other Greek person in LA? BuzzFeed presents: 7 Things...
Dick: Hello, I'm Dick. Eric: And I'm Eric and we're the annuity guys. Dick: Eric, are marketfree annuities too good to be true? Eric: You know that's a great question,...

